The Inter Library Loan service is a way to borrow books and other study materials which are not held by your local public library but which are available from another library elsewhere. The service is open to anyone but is particularly useful for people that need study materials for educational purposes, such as a formal course or for private study. This might include items such as text books, reference books, thesis reports, journal articles or musical scores.

Please see our Inter Library Loan Acceptable Use Policy for further details. This document also includes an application form which can be printed off and completed for each required item. Your completed form can either be posted to us or handed in to Kirkwall Library, Stromness Library or the Mobile Library. You can also apply for an Inter Library Loan by emailing your request to
There is a standard administration charge for the service, and other charges might be applied in some cases, such as when a requested item is particularly large or heavy, or if additional fees are charged by the library that supplies the item. Please get in touch for more details.
The time it takes to borrow and item from another library can vary depending on the general availability of the item, and the location of the library which supplies it. Therefore we would always advise anyone requiring materials for a set course to apply well in advance of their assignment dates.
The loan period for items can vary because it is set by the library that supplies the item but they are generally loaned for around four weeks. Extensions to this loan period are normally possible in most cases but it would be at the discretion of the library that supplies the item.
Please note that once an Inter Library Loan request has been made it is not possible to cancel it and all fees will still have to be paid even if the materials are no longer required.
To find out more information about the Inter Library Loan service or to request an item please get in touch on 01856 873166 or email us at